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Posted by on in Climate Change
The U.S. economy faces great risks from climate change, according to a new study that focuses on the current and future effects of climate change on everything from jobs, to crop yields, to energy production. Though the study presents no new climate science, it paints a dire picture of the business...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
The growing consequences of climate change are putting more than two dozen of the most iconic and historic sites in the US at risk, according to a new report. From Ellis Island to the Everglades, Cape Canaveral to California's César Chávez National Monument, a lengthy list of treasured sites is...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
T he decibel level in our national debate about global temperature went up several notches this week. The White House noisily released a report full of dire claims about the havoc manmade global warming is causing in America — and Republicans, equally noisily, denounced this as "liberal g...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
By Henner Weithöner The UN climate panel's prescription for tackling climate change is admirably clear. The problem is that the world is heading in precisely the opposite direction. BERLIN, 18 April - Keeping the rise in global average temperatures to no more than 2°C above pre-industrial levels w...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
On March 31, the New York Times featured an article by Justin Gillis titled “Panel’s Warning on Climate Risk: Worst is Yet to Come.” The story reported findings in the just released UNIPCC Working Group II report “Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaption, and Vulnerability.” The 44-page&nbs...
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Posted by on in Earth Violators
No This is not an April fools joke but we wish it was. By Tim Radford While Washington is doing more to address climate change, individual American states are scaling back their policies - apparently to public approval. LONDON, 1 April - In the last five years – five years marked by heat waves th...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
By Alex Kirby Scientists say there is a direct link between changing climate and an increase in violence, reinforcing a key finding of the latest IPCC report. LONDON, 31 March - US scientists say there is evidence that a warming climate is closely related to political and social instability and a ...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
Six massive glaciers in West Antarctica are moving faster than they did 40 years ago, causing more ice to discharge into the ocean and global sea level to rise, according to new research. The amount of ice draining collectively from those half-dozen glaciers increased by 77 percent from 1973 to...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
The Democrats did their best to shove climate change back into the national conversation earlier this week when 28 Senators pulled an all-nighter at the Capitol building during which they delivered hours and hours of floor speeches about the need for legislative action. But other than some night-of...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
More than two dozen Democratic senators will take to the Senate floor on Monday for an all-night session of speeches on climate change. The marathon session will get underway after the last vote on Monday night and could last until 9am on Tuesday, Senate staff said. The high visibility all-nighter...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
This winter’s weather has been weird across much of the Northern Hemisphere. Record storms in Europe; record drought in California; record heat in parts of the Arctic, including Alaska and parts of Scandinavia; but record freezes too, as polar air blew south over Canada and the U.S., causing near-re...
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Posted by on in Ocean/Seas/Coastlines
The fact that climate change is occurring around the world makes some people nervous, even a little mad. Read more here: skeptics who cherry-pick issues — columnist Charles Krauthammer crowed this week th...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
As most of you know already, England’s dramatic sequence of winter storms since December has resulted in its worst winter on record.  England’s records go back 248 years.  (Al Jazeera is reporting 300 years).  Who knows if such a series of storms has ever occurred since the climate st...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
What is the scientific, measurable definition of a “normal” climate change and what is the measuring stick used to determine acceptable variability? What are the parameters of deciding “normal” and what makes the global warming crowd the soothsayers of climate, especially since they’ve been wrong in...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
All photos: Chris Linder Conservation photographer Chris Linder spends more time in the frigid polar regions of Earth than most of us like to spend in the freezer section of the grocery store. But there's a reason why it's a wonderful thing that he thrives in the coldest ...
walking on ice photo
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Posted by on in Climate Change
As Great Britain finds itself in the clutches of an extreme weather event, its scientists are inching closer to attributing this winter's unusual spate of floods and storms to climate change. As usual, however, they are moving cautiously. "In terms of the storms and floods of winter 2013/2014, it i...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
Gov. Deval Patrick took the wraps off a $50 million plan Tuesday that he says will help prepare Massachusetts for the challenges posed by climate change on public health, energy, transportation and basic infrastructure.The initiatives, unveiled by the governor at the New England Aquarium, include a ...
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Posted by on in Water Conservation
SACRAMENTO — In what could become one of California's biggest crises in years, Gov. Jerry Brown declared a statewide drought emergency Friday, an action that sets the stage for new state and federal efforts. The governor also wants to focus Californians on the possibility of water shortag...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
Only six of the previous Winter Olympics host cities will be cold enough to reliably host the Games by the end of this century if global warming projections prove accurate, a new Waterloo study has found. Even with conservative climate projections, only 11 of the previous 19 sites could host the Ga...
Climate change affects ski conditions
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Posted by on in Climate Change
If you were a shrew snuffling around a North American forest, you would be 27 times less likely to respond to climate change than if you were a moose grazing nearby. That is just one of the findings of a new University of Colorado Boulder assessment led by Assistant Professor Christy McCain that lo...
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