Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. emerges as a leading source for Gulf oil spill videos and community activism
Leading video/social networking hub on the global environment adds new functionality, creating a global “Green YouTube and Facebook.”
Denver, July 12, 2010, fast becoming the leading video and social networking hub focused exclusively on the worldwide environment, re-launched with several new features designed to bring people around the world together to move “from image to action” to achieve a sustainable future.
作为英特网上引领环保主题视频共享社区的Earth Protect网站于最近发布了最新的网站版本。新的Earth Protect加强了其网站功能,立志于更好地为其宗旨“由影像转化为行动”而服务。
Taking a leadership role in committing to in-depth and long-term coverage of the worst environmental disaster in United States history. Earth Protect has created a category and rich content on the Gulf Oil Spill.Earth Protect will offer site Visitors and Members the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of the people from the Gulf of Mexico region suffering economic, health and environmental harm through donating to Earth Protect’s partner from the region, Greater New Orleans Foundation’s Gulf Oil Spill Fund. The campaign will run for the entire launch period of July 12 to August 31, 2010. 100% OF EACH DONATION GOES TO THE GULF OIL SPILL FUND WHEN MADE THROUGH
新发布的Earth Protect网站对于墨西哥湾的石油泄露事件进行了持续而深入的报道。对于这个美国历史上最严重的环境灾难,Earth Protect携手泛新奥尔良地区海湾石油泄露事件紧急事件基金会,为其用户和网页浏览者提供了直接捐助援助的机会(捐助领域涵盖经济,医疗健康,环境修复等方面)。募捐活动于7月12日开始,将一直持续到8月31日。所有捐款将直接纳入泛新奥尔良地区海湾石油泄露事件紧急事件基金会。
First launched in April 2009, Earth Protect marries the “edutainment” power of film and video with the enormous popularity of social networking. The NEW Earth Protect takes a major leap forward, incorporating several new features, including:
于2009年4月初问世的Earth Protect完美结合了动态影像寓教于乐的功能,在环保社会网络上独树一帜。在其最新发布的网站上,Earth Protect给我们带来了以下新的惊喜:
“With environmental videos, groups, blog, social networking, nonprofit partners and green businesses, we are the one-stop shop for information on protecting the earth,” said Carol Barbeito, President and Managing Director of Earth Protect. “We are connecting people and organizations to drive real change for the health of the planet.”
“环保视频,讨论小组,博客,社会网络,非营利组织名单,绿色企业名录,地球保护是一站式保护地球的信息中心”,地球保护的主席Carol Barbeito如是说道。“我们所做的,就是把有环保意识的个人和团体联系起来,大家一同来保护地球。”
Earth Protect has already developed an avid following through the power of its comprehensive video library, hundreds of blog articles plus the diversity of its users, which span the globe and encompass 179 countries.