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Posted by on in Population
According to the Indian census, carried out in 2011, the population of India was exactly 1,210,193,422, which means India has crossed the 1-billion mark. This is the second most populous country of the world after China and the various studies have projected that India will be world’s number-1 popul...
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Tagged in: India overpopulation
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Posted by on in Air Quality
 "CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO GODLINESS" Cleanliness brings solution to many environmental issues such as: Global Warming.Methane,which is a green house gas ,is released by the improper disposal of either organic or inorganic junk.By cleaning off ( waste), methane cannot be further subjected to air...
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Posted by on in Animals
It's often said cockroaches could withstand a nuclear explosion. But another creature, dubbed 'nature's greatest survivor,' is even more invincible, and you've probably never even heard of it. Tardigrades, also known as water bears, are some of the most fascinating animals in world because they ca...
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