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Posted by on in Ocean/Seas/Coastlines
Spewing too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere could shut down the major ocean current that ferries warm water to the North Atlantic, new climate simulations suggest. While not as extreme as the doomsday scenario portrayed in the movie The Day After Tomorrow, such a shutdown could cause wi...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
The concentration of heat-trapping CO2 pollution in the atmosphere has passed the 400 parts per million (ppm) threshold in Antarctica for the first time in at least 800,000 years, and possibly as long as four million years, scientists reported this week. The new measurements, reported by British an...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
Making predictions about climate variability often means looking to the past to find trends. Now paleoclimate researchers from the University of Missouri have found clues in exposed bedrock alongside an Alabama highway that could help forecast climate variability. In their study, the resea...
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Posted by on in General Environment
Earth recently hit several remarkable records — but not in a good way The amount of carbon dioxide gas, a global warming pollutant, has risen to the highest level in at least 800,000 years. Monthly average Arctic sea ice extent in March was the lowest in the satellite record. So far, 2015 has seen ...
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Posted by on in Forestry
Growth has accelerated 70 percent in some European varieties since the 1960s. Average tree growing seasons increased 10.8 days since the turn of the 20th century Trees live a long time. There are trees alive on Earth today that were sprouting during the reign of England's Henry VIII. There are...
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Posted by on in Air Quality
NASA is preparing a July 1 launch for its first satellite dedicated to measuring atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas that plays a key role in climate change.   CO2 levels have reached their highest point in at least 800,000 years, according to the US space agency. The Orbi...
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Posted by on in Fishing
Increasing carbon dioxide in the world's oceans could hamper fishes' eyesight, slowing their reaction times and leaving them vulnerable to predators or unable to hunt, new research has shown. Experts say it adds to the existing evidence that ocean acidification will be bad for marine...
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Posted by on in Air Quality
Pollution from China travels in large quantities across the Pacific Ocean to the United States, a new study has found, making environmental and health problems unexpected side effects of U.S. demand for cheap China-manufactured goods.On some days, acid rain-inducing sulphate from burning of fossil f...
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Posted by on in Fossil Fuels
When the U.S. Navy sailed an imposing fleet near Hawaii that was powered in part by algae and used cooking grease, environmentalists weren't the only ones who were thrilled. Executives at bioenergy startups in the San Francisco Bay Area, Chicago and elsewhere — and the venture capitalis...
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Posted by on in Ocean/Seas/Coastlines
About 55.5 million years ago, geologically rapid emission of a large volume of greenhouse gases at the Paleocene-Eocene boundary (PETM) led to global warming of about 5oC, severe ocean acidification, and widespread extinction of microscopic organisms living on the deep-sea floor (foraminifera). A s...
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Posted by on in Environmental Heroes
Wouldn’t it be nice to have your own superhero to reduce the global carbon footprint? Enter the Green Ninja, a climate action superhero who fights global warming through education and social change. We all know the importance of reducing emissions of heat-trapping gases to help stabilize our climat...
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Posted by on in Air Quality
BEIJING: A Chinese entrepreneur is selling fresh air in soft drink cans, similar to bottled drinking water, as north China is once again choking in toxic smog. The concentration of airborne PM 2.5 particulates - the smallest and most deadly - went off the chart in the early hours of Tuesday morning...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
by Jeffrey BennettOn average, we are all about 50 to 60 years older than our grandchildren are or will be. That is, if you are a high school student today, your grandchildren are likely to be high school students somewhere around the year 2065. If you are in your prime career years today, your grand...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
Scientists from the U.K. have uncovered a 1.6 kilometre-deep rift valley under the ice in West Antarctica, a feature which they say may explain why that part of the continent is losing ice so rapidly. Detailed in the journal Nature, experts from the University of Aberdeen and British Antarctic Surv...
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Posted by on in Sustainable Development
Microsoft has committed to become carbon neutral beginning on July 1, the start of the company's new fiscal year. The shift results from three years of internal discussions within the company to improve Microsoft's carbon footprint and environmental performance. The company will roll out the new cha...
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Posted by on in Ocean/Seas/Coastlines
If you drive, fertilize your lawn, or buy sushi, you could be contributing to the demise of coral reefs. Scientists call coral reefs the rainforests of the ocean, because these vibrant habitats support so much and such diverse life. But worldwide, coral reefs face serious threats. Paulo Maurin, e...
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Posted by on in Ocean/Seas/Coastlines
Can you imagine seas and oceans completely bereft of colourful fish? The possibility may not be all that far-fetched, thanks to rising carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. By the end of the century, CO2 concentrations in seas will interfere with fish's ability to hear, smell, turn and evade predators, sa...
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Posted by on in Forestry
Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to grow, so forests have long been proposed as a way to offset climate change. But rather than just letting the forest sit there for a hundred or more years, the amount of carbon dioxide taken out of the atmosphere could be quadrupled in 100 years by ...
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Posted by on in Energy Efficiency
The following is the introduction of my Capstone project, titled "The Sustainable Energy Utility: What Delaware developed and if it is possible or necessary for Colorado," which was completed for my Master's degree in November 2010. It also has the Thesis statement to form a better understanding of ...
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