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Get on the streets for Climate Justice


Dear Earth Protecters,

Last year, Pope Francis said, “I want the Church to go out into the streets”. On April 29th, the world is going out into the streets calling for action on climate change. The Church will be there.

We invite you to march with us, help amplify the Catholic voice at the People’s Climate March on April 29th and lift up the teachings of the Catholic Church on caring for creation and the poor in the public square. Along with our partners at the Franciscan Action Network, the Global Catholic Climate Movement, and the Columban Center for Advocacy and Outreach, we invite you to participate in a number of activities that will be a call to action to Congress and the Trump administration.


Lobby Training & Advocacy Day

Learn how to meet and communicate effectively with your legislator! Attend our free lobby day training the day before the march, Friday, April 28th starting at 9:00 am. Afterward, go meet with your members of Congress. The training is just a few blocks away from the Capitol. For more details on the training and to RSVP, please go here.

For those who cannot attend the in-person training, we will be offering a lobby training webinar on April 20th at 2:00pm (eastern). Register for that webinar here.

The People’s Climate March

Catholics will gather at 9am at St. Dominic Church to celebrate mass before the march. For event details go here.

The exact rallying point and march route are still being determined. Be on the look-out for that information on the People’s Climate March webpage, and on the day-of look for the Catholic banners to find your fellow Catholics.

We encourage you to sign up here if you plan on marching in Washington, DC!

Sister Marches

For those who cannot attend the march in Washington, DC, you are invited to join a sister march in your local area or start a sister march of your own. More information on that can be found here.


The Stuart Center in Washington, DC, is hosting hospitality events for Catholic marchers. Please email the Center here for more information.


Need help getting to the march? Go here for more information. 

Interested in More Events?

A “Faith Contingent” is planning even more activities in addition to what the Covenant and our partners are planning. If you’d like more information on that, please go here.

We hope to see you at the march this April! Please feel free to contact us with questions or concerns at '); document.write(addy3265); document.write('<\/a>'); //-->\n This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. "> This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .


Catholic Climate Covenant



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