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It’s World Water Monitoring Day

Today is World Water Monitoring Day (WWMD), an international event that raises awareness about the importance of protecting the valuable water resources around the world.   Many people are unaware of the impact their daily decisions have on the quality of water. Because humans and other forms of life depend on water for survival, it is critical we take care of our water supply. Hosted by the Water Environmental Federation (WEF) and the International Water Association (IWA).


The event encourages volunteers and students around the globe to monitor their local streams, rivers, ponds, lakes and other bodies of water. WWMD provides easy-to-use kits that tests four key water quality indicators including dissolved oxygen, pH levels, temperature and turbidity. Results of the tests are then shared with communities on the WWMD website. The Basic Kit includes an instruction booklet in English or Spanish and various test tubes, jars, vials and charts and costs $13 plus shipping and handling.

The Classroom Kit, which costs $49, is a fun way for students to learn how important their role is in protecting our precious water resources.  Just visit the website to purchase the kit and register your site.  Water testing can take place from March 22 through December 31st. Data is then submitted to the website prior to December 31st.

According to WWMD, more than 210,000 participants from 85 countries monitored their water resources in 2010 as part of the annual education and outreach program.   The United States monitored nearly 3,000 water sites with over 41,000 participants.  Iowa monitored the most sites in the U.S. – 692 with Virginia coming in second. More than 20,000 volunteers in Spain monitored nearly 1,500 sites.  

WWMD Resources for Teachers

Personal stories and photographs of the event are also being accepted. For up-to-date information, follow WWMD on Facebook.




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