Denver Office of...![]() Category: Root Mission: The Office of Sustainability's mission is to ensure that the basic resources on which our quality of life depends are available and affordable to everyone, now and in the future. |
Through these nonprofit organizations that are Earth Protect’s resource partners, you can connect to others that share a concern about the environmental issues you care about.
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‘Goodwill social work’ is inclusive where children, youth, men and women participate in the social and economic life of their communities. It attempts to treat the symptoms through social protection, remove as far as possible the barriers to better social outcomes and tackle the root causes through social investment.
It is committed to a particular set of professional values of social work including respect for worth and dignity of every person, the client's right to self-determination, confidentiality, advocacy and social action that promotes social justice, which are reflected in the word 'GOODWILL' as shown below:
G stands for goodness in all we do for the community
O stands for overflowing with love, compassion, and peace
O stands for outpouring care for others, especially children,youth and their families
D stands for dutifulness in helping others to help themselves
W stands for willingness to serve the poor and downtrodden
I stands for integrating professionalism in social work practice
L stands for linking itself to serve locally and globally
L stands for lighting up the face of the less fortunate and the unfortunate
Goodwill Social Work Centre is a registered Indian Non-governmental organisation registered as a Society under the Tamilnadu Societies Registration Act 27 of 1975, Government of Tamilnadu {India}, Foreign Contributions (Regulations) Act 1976, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India.
It is duly registered under section 12-A {b} of the Income Tax Act 1961. It is a registered member of the Civil Society Organisation {CSO} Constituency of the India CCM ( Our Society's Registration number is: 112/1981 and our FCRA number are: 075940124. It is working within the State of Tamilnadu, India.
Since its inception our organisation has been working in the areas of children's rights, children’s rights through artwork, promoting 'the right to water' through arts,Children’s environmental health rights, environment education and action for children, Promotion of Milliennium development Goals(MDGS) through children's rights education, humanitarian aid, Intensive family preservation of dysfunctional families,non-formal employment training for male and female youth, community technology services, social research,NGO capacity building and networking and NGO consultancy.
GOODWILL is highly professional in its approach and its methods are underpinned by a strong academic research ethos. Highly impressed by the professionalism in GOODWILL’s governance and management of programmes,the Global Links Initiative( ,a registered company and a charity in the United Kingdom has entered into a partnership agreement with GOODWILL on 6th October 2007 to work together to provide services and capacity building programmes for GLI Networkers in Tamilnadu,India.