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Increase efficiency and reduce emissions

The City of Boulder Climate Action Plan (CAP) advances programs in six strategy areas to help the community reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Energy efficiency is one of these key strategy areas, and relates to electricity usage.

Most of Boulder's greenhouse gas emissions, 76.3%, come from energy use in buildings, including electricity and natural gas. In fact, 59.6% of Boulder's greenhouse gas emissions are solely due to electricity use in buildings.  Residents and businesses can enroll in numerous programs and services - such as EnergySmart and SmartRegs - to enhance the energy performance of their homes and buildings.

What You Can Do Today

  • Schedule an  EnergySmart   energy assessment for your home or business and receive rebates for energy efficiency measures.
  • Receive rebates for pursuing  SmartRegs  compliance for rental housing.
  • Contact  Xcel Energy  for energy efficiency rebates.
  • Contact  Boulder County  for weatherization services.
  • Visit  Recharge Colorado  through the Governor's Energy Office for more options for energy efficiency grants and rebates.

Quick Tips to increase your energy savings:

  • Replace incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs) . *
  • Look for the  ENERGY STAR ® label when buying new home products.
  • Caulk and weatherstrip gaps in doors and windows.
  • Set back your thermostat when you are asleep, at work, or away from home. 
  • Install an  ENERGY STAR ®-qualified, programmable thermostat with four temperature and time settings. When used correctly, this type of thermostat can save you around $100 per year on energy costs. 
  • Turn down the temperature on the water heater to 120 degrees or the medium setting.
  • Take advantage of natural daylight to avoid using lights during the day.
  • Change the filter on your furnace and follow regular maintenance guidelines to keep it running efficiently.
  • Turn off all computers, appliances and lights when not in use.
  • Install low flow devices on faucets and showers - saving water can save energy, too. 
  • In the winter, keep blinds and curtains open during the day and closed at night to take advantage of sun's warmth.
  • During warmer months, reduce the need to run your air conditioner by closing blinds and curtains during the day and cracking a window at night.





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