Many areas of the world experienced higher-than-average monthly temperatures according to the latest statistics from NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center. The average global temperature for May 2013 tied with 1998 and 2005 as the third warmest May since record keeping began in 1880. It als...
The Ashville, North Carolina-based National Climatic Data Center says the continental United States had a national average of just over 57 degrees between January and November. While that is 3.3 degrees higher than the long-term average, it is only one degree above the soon-to-be-outdated ...
And the wind turbines chop up birds. A new study from M.I.T. indicates that vast wind farms to generate electricity may raise local temperatures as much as 1degree Celsius (1.8 degrees F) on land, but have the opposite effect over water. That’s significant considering the IPCC was all exercised abou...
The extremely cold and snowy winter of 2010-2011 may be challenging the core case of global warming. The earth is warming, the greenhouse gases are rising, and the oceans are rising… Right? This is a long-lasting debate that stirs extreme emotion from both sides of the political ...