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Posted by on in Climate Change
Greta Thunberg led a protest at the White House on Friday. But she wasn't looking to go inside — "I don't want to meet with people who don't accept the science," she says. The young Swedish activist joined a large crowd of protesters who had gathered outside, calling for immediate action to help th...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
If you watched the political conventions during the past two weeks, you heard a lot about isis and national security and police and race and jobs. You didn’t hear much, though, about climate change, despite the fact that it’s arguably the most consequential long-term problem the U.S. faces, and one ...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
Greenland's snowy surface has been getting darker over the past two decades, absorbing more heat from the sun and increasing snow melt, a new study of satellite data shows. That trend is likely to continue, with the surface's reflectivity, or albedo, decreasing by as much as 10 percent by ...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
Here we go again. For the surface of planet Earth, 2015 was the hottest year on record by a stunning margin. But already, 2016 is on track to beat it. Last month was the hottest January in 137 years of record-keeping, according to data released Wednesday by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admi...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
As the COP21 climate negotiations draw to a close in Paris, complicated questions remain about how the accord will be carried out over the coming years. Negotiators from 195 countries seem close to hammering out a deal that could limit global warming to a maximum of 2° Celsius (3.6° Fahre...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
To rousing cheers and tears of relief, envoys from 195 nations approved Saturday an accord to stop global warming, offering hope that humanity can avert catastrophic climate change and usher in an energy revolution. French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius ended nearly a fortnight of gruelling UN neg...
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Posted by on in Environmental Heroes
At the major climate summit in Paris on Monday, renowned conservationist Jane Goodall called for Republicans in Congress to back down from opposing an international agreement on climate change. "Success [at the Paris climate summit] would be a binding agreement to limit carbon," she said, in a brie...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
It may sound unlikely, but the evidence is mounting that the more the Antarctic warms under the impact of climate change, the more snow will fall on it. Not only that, says a team of European and US scientists, but as the snow turns to ice it is going to flow downhill, borne by its own weight, and ...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
The vast majority of US senators have agreed that climate change is real, a result of a vote on Wednesday that saw 98 members of the Senate vote in favor of an amendment to the controversial Keystone XL pipeline bill that declares that climate change is "not a hoax."&nb...
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Posted by on in Sustainable Development
Sustainable development recognizes that growth must be both inclusive and environmentally sound to reduce poverty and build shared prosperity for people today and for future generations. At the same time, growth patterns have left hundreds of millions of people behind: 1.2 billion lack access to ele...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
Looking at the 10th edition of the Climate Change Performance Index, there is good and bad news. The index, which compares the 58 top carbon-emitting nations, reveals that global carbon emissions reached a new peak. However, the index found that recent developments indicate countries have ...
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Posted by on in MyBlog
The latest IPCC report turns up the heat on policymakers - and rightly so. It is high time to get serious about the switch from oil and coal to renewables, says DW climate correspondent Irene Quaile. Experts from more that 100 governments went through the latest IPCC report with a fine-to...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
The unrestricted use of fossil fuels should be phased out by 2100 if the world is to avoid dangerous climate change, a UN-backed expert panel says. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says in a stark report that most of the world's electricity can - and must - be produced from low-carbon ...
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Posted by on in Sustainable Development
The forecast calls for picture-perfect weather Tuesday in New York City as world leaders gather to discuss the challenge of a changing climate. More than 120 leaders, including President Obama, are expected to attend the one-day climate summit, sponsored by the United Nations. They've been instruct...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
Science writer Charles C. Mann writes books that take on big topics — examining the history of aspirin and the nature of modern physics, for example. In the bestsellers “1491” and “1493,” he takes what a Washington Post reviewer called “a god’s-eye view of the world” before and after Columbus’s voya...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
This may confirm suspicions that many of us have already had. Besides leading the world in consumer debt and military spending, the U.S. can now add climate denial to that list. That is, according to aGlobal Trends survey by the U.K.-based market research firm Ipsos MORI. Th...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
Last month was the hottest June in more than 130 years of recorded weather history, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced Monday in its monthly state of the climate report, surpassing the previous record high for the month set in 1998. June 2014 also marked the third st...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
Fighting climate change and global warming is a big project, and encouraging the private sector to take part is an important part of President Obama's Climate Action Plan. That's what led to the U.S. Department of Energy announcing a $4 billion loan guarantee program on Thursday for new ideas o...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
Most of us care about our environment and the issue of climate change and are working hard on solutions, whether technical in nature or inspirational ones to get people more engaged.   Tomorrow is the one year anniversary of the launch of the President's "Climate Action Plan" and a large ...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
The U.S. economy faces great risks from climate change, according to a new study that focuses on the current and future effects of climate change on everything from jobs, to crop yields, to energy production. Though the study presents no new climate science, it paints a dire picture of the business...
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