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Posted by on in Climate Change
Supporters of the Obama administration’s climate change rule for power plants want a federal court to send the regulation back to the Environmental Protection Agency and let it consider changes. Environmentalists and renewable energy advocates say sending the Clean Power Plan back to the EPA — what...
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Posted by on in Arts and Entertainment
Despite the shrillness of climate deniers in today’s political and media circuses, it’s fair to say that most regular citizens--and nearly all of the global scientific community--know that our planet’s climate is changing, and that those changes are already causing damage to our environments, cities...
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Posted by on in Transportation
More than a thousand diesel cars have been caught without an essential pollution filter that traps deadly particles, according to government figures. But experts warn the rogue practice of removing the filters, which contributes to air pollution-related deaths, could be far more widespread. Almost&...
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Posted by on in Fossil Fuels
When then-Gov. Robert F. McDonnell (R) first pushed the idea in 2010, it was easy to find Virginians who favored oil and gas drilling along the Virginia coast, even in this tourism-dependent city of 450,000. The Virginia Beach City Council voted 8 to 3 that year in support of the giant offshore rigs...
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Posted by on in Air Quality
Local authorities in England, Wales and Northern Ireland will play a "central role" in improving air quality and reducing emissions to comply with EU limits, according to a UK government consultation. The Supreme Court ruled in April that the UK government had to submit new plans setting out how it...
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Posted by on in Animals
The past five mass extinctions on Earth were caused by large-scale natural disasters like meteors or enormous chains of volcanic eruptions, wiping out between half and 96% of all living species. But the modern mass extinction isn't being caused by a freak act of nature, the researchers say. It's be...
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Posted by on in Fossil Fuels
President Barack Obama vetoed the Republicans’ Keystone XL pipeline bill Tuesday, rejecting Congress’ attempt to take the project’s fate out of his hands — and leaving the GOP on track for an override vote that will most likely fail. Obama’s veto message was delivered within hours of the legislatio...
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Posted by on in Lakes/Rivers/Wetlands
What did the L.A. Basin look like before there was a Los Angeles? A common misconception—one that resonates with genuine concerns about the city's aridity and reliance on imported water—is that the city's natural state is desert. But early accounts of the landscape painted a different picture, ...
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