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World Water Day

World Water Day
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Water. We Cannot Live Without It.

The UN calls us to attention about water inequities especially for the "bottom billion of our fellow humans living and working in slums. Almost a billion people on this planet lack access to clean water; 1 in every 8 people.

Find out more and take action in your life and through supporting organizations working on safe water access.

Drop in the Bucket - Clean water - Get the facts

videoAlmost a billion people on this planet lack access to clean water. That adds up to about in in every 8 people. 
Drop in the Bucket builds water wells and toilets at schools in Africa enabling children to get the life-changing benefit of education. Get the facts and see how you can help. 
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Water and Energy:
What Can You (as an Individual) Do

Kids talk WetlandsWith the threat of dwindling water and energy resources becoming increasingly real with each passing day, it is important for every person to contribute to the conservation of both. By adapting our daily behavior even just a little bit, we can reduce carbon emissions and can improve quality, reliability, sustainability, efficiencies and asset optimization, security, and cost effectiveness.
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Water For People

Water for PeopleEarth Protect's nonprofit partner Water for People Water For People brings together local entrepreneurs, civil society, governments, and communities to establish creative, collaborative solutions that allow people to build and maintain their own reliable safe water systems. Empowering everyone transforms people¹s lives by improving health and economic productivity to end the cycle of poverty. 

Take Action, consider a donation.

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Why Waste Water?
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