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iMatter Youth Go to Washington

Youth Plea to Protect the Atmosphere as a Public Trust is Taken Seriously by All Three Branches of Government

Seven youth from five US states exercised their constitutional rights by visiting all three branches of government, calling for action against climate change on behalf of the entire youngest generation. These youth leaders are part of the iMatter Campaign, and are all plaintiffs in the Alec L v Jackson lawsuit, for failing to protect the atmosphere as a public trust.  Like Alec says, "Our generation has no political rights; we can’t vote, we can’t compete with corporate lobbyists... so when our government fails to act with our survival in mind, we must take matters into our own hands. That is what we are doing today.”

 When Congress has not taken steps to address an emergency situation in the nation, it is appropriate to ask the courts to intervene and compel a solution.  Just as federal desegregation of Southern states was compelled by the courts, plaintiffs hope this case will give the Obama Administration the opportunity to push through immediate action to protect our atmosphere.  The hearing for the Motion to Dismiss was last Friday.  The government and the fossil fuel industry, protecting their profits, on one side.  The youth of iMatter, representing their entire generation, fighting for their survival on the other.  It's a classic David and Goliath fight.

This lawsuit calls for a specific plan for climate recovery, using standards set by Dr James Hansen. But it stands for something much larger. We, the youngest generation, are refusing to sit idly by as our future is gambled away. We are demanding that our government begin to value our survival just as much as profits and power... and, once and for all, to govern as if our future mattered.

This is just the beginning.  Please support the important work of the youngest generation to stand up for their future.   
With gratitude,
Alec, Victoria, Valerie, Russell, Lucy and the youth of iMatter



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