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Unlocking New Value in a Changing World

We are delighted to release our paper exploring how to unlock value from today’s business challenges such as increasing input costs, pricing of externalities, new technologies, customer & shareholder scrutiny, and volatility/uncertainty.

Within the businesses that we have assisted in our years at Booz & Company, Bain & Company, Origin Energy, and now Lavery Pennell, we have found substantial new value available which can create rich returns in tough market conditions.

The paper explains the types of value on offer, how these new opportunities are different from traditional sources of value (and therefore require different strategies), the unusual combination of skills needed to unlock them, and the proactive multi-pronged approach required to succeed.

Because these new value opportunities are addressing social and environmental as well as economic pressures, we have found that they can be integrated into sustainability strategies to make them profitable. Or, conversely, integrating them into your corporate strategy has the added advantage of improving the sustainability of your company while improving profits.

Entitled “Unlocking New Value in a Changing World”, the paper can be found at

We hope that it assists you to solve your business challenges with more profitable, sustainable solutions.

Best regards
Greg and Nick




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