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Can the Bicycle Save the World?

Can the bicycle save the world? This Saturday, hundreds of thousands of people around the world will be hopping on their bicycles and taking to the streets for Moving Planet, a global demonstration coordinated by 



Together, we’ll not only be calling on our politicians to help move the planet away from fossil fuels, but embodying one of the simple, powerful solutions that could help usher in a clean energy future: the bicycle.

There are huge Moving Planet bike rides planned all around the world this Saturday. Whether you live in San Francisco or Bangalore, Minneapolis or Kinshasa, Boston or Jakarta, this weekend is a great time to get pedaling for a safe climate future. Click here to find an event near you.

According to Wikipedia, the bicycle was invented sometime in the 19th century. Today, there are about one billion bicycles worldwide, twice as many as the 500 million or so cars that clog up our streets and highways. Even in the car-friendly United States, the number of people commuting via bicycle is increasing every year. According to the League of American Bicyclists, as of 2010 the country had 731,286 bicycle commuters, 39% more than in 2000.

As Bill McKibben writes, the bicycle isn’t just a good way of getting to work, but an ideal symbol for the growing climate movement:

Bikes are one of the few tools used by rich and poor alike. Since global warming is, by definition, a global problem, we need to look for solidarity wherever we can. And by celebrating bikes we can do the developing world a real favor — rob the car of a bit if it’s glamour, and bestow it instead on the sexy freedom machine we call a bike. With luck we can help steer a few places away from the automotive dead end, by showing were headed on a new path ourselves.

We’ll pedaling down that new path this weekend. Join us!




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