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Climate Scientists Stepping Out by the 100's

Finally, American Geophysical Union, the country's largest association of climate scientists, plans to announce that 700 climate scientists have agreed to speak out as experts on questions about global warming and the role of man-made air pollution. A "Climate Rapid Response Team" is being organized by John Abraham of St Thomas University in Minnesota, to defend the consensus on global warming in the scientific community.(Source, The Denver Post, "Climate Scientists go Public, Neela Nanerjee, Tribune Co, Washington Bureau)


Its about time in my opinion, because this is no longer much of debate if we all take the time to learn about the scientific finding and it is urgent that we not be derailed in rapid and deep responses to this very real crisis. At the Bioneers Conference in September, a long list of highly qualified speakers brought our need to act forcefully and quickly. We need to support such actions. The actions we humans take in the next few years will determine the kind of life we have on earth and those that follow us for the next 1,000 years. We cannot stand by with half efforts, we must alter our personal lives, support public policy, use our economic buying power, let big business know we expect strong leadership to clean up their act and produce healthy products and services that are good for the planet and us and support the nonprofits working every day on environmental causes.

Each day I am struck by the beauty and wonder of this earth, our home and the home for our kids, grandkids and their kids. Let us take action starting today. Get your friends, family and all your network to join us on Earth Protect and use the site to enroll and engage others.





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