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Posted by on in Green Products/Services
NEW LAW ABOUT TO KICK IN By Suzie Romig Pilot & Today Owners of retail businesses and food and drink establishments likely are carefully considering their orders for disposable containers and carryout bags this fall as a statewide ordinance will kick in Jan. 1 to ban carryout plastic bags and...
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Posted by on in Ocean/Seas/Coastlines
Discarded plastic will outweigh fish in the world's oceans by 2050, according to a report from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. That is, unless overfishing moves the date up sooner. The study, a collaboration with the World Economic Forum, found that 32 percent of plastic packaging escapes wast...
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Posted by on in Recycling
Over the past few decades, it has become a well-known fact that the packaging industry has had a huge impact on the environment. With each passing year, tons of plastic waste from packaging containers and bags end up in landfills and the ocean, at increasingly alarming rates. Marine life is under t...
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Posted by on in Fossil Fuels
Incoming Texas Gov. Greg Abbott created a stir last week during a speech to the conservative and influential think tank the Texas Public Policy Foundation, where he accused Texas cities of contributing to the "California-ization" of Texas. "The truth is, Texas is being California-ized with bag bans...
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Posted by on in Sustainable Development
Paper or plastic? It used to be a simple – and free – choice. But if Gov. Jerry Brown signs the plastic bag bill, California grocers, pharmacies, liquor stores and convenience stores will no longer be able to provide single-use bags to customers at no charge. They will be required to offer pape...
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Posted by on in Earth Violators
According to a new study, 99% of plastic waste that enters the ocean cannot be located. While initially hearing that there's less plastic in the ocean than we believed sounds like great news, it's actually a frightening prospect. After all, if the plastic isn't in the ocean ... where is it going?! ...
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Posted by on in Green Products/Services
California has become an interesting test-case for both approaches to one plastic problem.Back in 2006, California passed a law that mandated a system for recycling plastic shopping bags. Today, supermarkets and other large stores have receptacles where plastic bags can be returned for recycling. H...
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Posted by on in Earth Violators
When did everything become Plastic? When I was a kid, we collected shells on the beach, not plastic trash. There wasn't enough disposable plastic in those days for plastics to collect on the beaches. Plastic bags came into heavy use in American grocery stores when I was in high school in the late '...
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Posted by on in General Environment
We use plastics in our everyday life to put our things in when we only need something completely temporary. It is also because we would like to be able to know how to properly dispose these things because these can be considered harmful to the environment. It is really something that you need to con...
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Posted by on in Green Products/Services
Very exciting news for Los Angeles. The Los Angeles City Council voted on Tuesday, June 18 to approve a ban on single-use plastic shopping bags. The Council voted 11 to 1 in favor of the ordinance, and a final vote is scheduled for next week. Last year, the Council voted 13 to 1 to move f...
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Posted by on in Recycling
    Global plastic production has increased from 1.5 million tonnes per year in 1950, to 245 million tonnes in 2008, reveals MEP The European Commission recently presented a green paper on plastic waste. Plastic has become a symbol of our throw-away society. The use of plastic has sky...
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Posted by on in Recycling
When I was a kid, you could come to New York City and buy a big soda in a large styrofoam cup. (You could also get murdered a lot more easily or score some drugs or afford a place in Soho, but that’s not my point here.) Big soda kept cool in a nice big cup — paradise, in its way. Reuters / Eduard...
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg
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Posted by on in Ocean/Seas/Coastlines
When that plastic water bottle that you brought to basketball practice was empty, you probably recycled it. But lots of plastics don’t end up in the recycling bin. (Think deli containers and straws.) So where do they go? One place is the Pacific Ocean, in an area that has been called the Great Paci...
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Posted by on in Ocean/Seas/Coastlines
Plastic waste, such as plastic bags, bottles, and containers, are littering the world’s oceans and causing harm to marine animals. Birds often mistake small pieces of plastic for food and swallow them, but because birds are unable to digest plastic, the plastic pieces fill up their stomachs and proh...
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Posted by on in Sustainable Development
The Big Island of Hawaii is joining the islands of Maui and Kauai and banning the use of plastic bags. The bill won't take effect until next year and gives businesses and additional year to adjust to using paper bags.   Plastic shopping bags are a complicated issue. One one hand, they're much...
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Posted by on in Sustainable Development
Los Angeles became the largest city in the nation to approve a ban on plastic bags at supermarket checkout lines, handing a hard-fought victory to environmentalists and promising to change the way Angelenos do their grocery shopping.The City Council voted 13 to 1 to phase out plastic bags over the n...
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Posted by on in Sustainable Development
  The amount of litter around the community raised concerns for Stacey Jambura's Lowell Elementary School students. But its potential impacts on the environment --- including the world's oceans --- is what spurred them to action. Jambura's 13 third- through fifth-grade expanded learning prog...
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Posted by on in Recycling
by Daniel Goleman On a visit to India a while back I came upon a fenced empty field that was practically buried in flimsy white throwaway plastic bags, the kind you carry your purchases home in from the store. The locals joked that this was “the garden where plastic bags grew.” But when I return...
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Posted by on in Solar
One good environmental deed in Basalt led to another on Wednesday.Aspen Times staff reportAspen, CO Colorado BASALT — One good environmental deed in Basalt led to another on Wednesday. The town won a contest last year to reduce plastic shopping bag use, and Wednesday it reaped the fruits of that s...
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