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Posted by on in General Environment
41. A swan built its nest on garbage. 42. This boy was collecting recyclable garbage in the polluted water. 43. A sea bird polluted by oil in the ocean. 44. Penguins covered with oil. 45. Homeless koala. 46.In Jiaxing, Zhejiang, China, a old man was taking a shower in the lake full of...
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Posted by on in General Environment
31. People in Sichuan, China were sadly looking at the polluted river. 32. Mexico City is one of the most densely populated cities in the world, which has a population of 20 million people. 33. The beach of Bombay is covered with garbage. 34. Plastic bags are everywhere in the ocean, e...
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Posted by on in General Environment
21. The workers in Shanghang, Fujian, China, were cleaning the dirty water in the cesspool. 22. The smoke surrounded the buildings in Beijing. 23. In Pingba, China, a boy was swimming in the polluted reservoir. 24. In Shantou, Guangdong, China, a boy was walking in the dirty water full of g...
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Posted by on in Human Health
Last winter, when Rick Schreiber saw the photos of two abandoned flatbed trailers heaped with thousands of pounds of low-level radioactive garbage, some spilling onto the ground, he’d had enough. A landfill director in western North Dakota’s Bakken oil field, near where the waste was left, Schreiber...
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Posted by on in Ocean/Seas/Coastlines
In the Pacific Ocean, four ocean currents merge to form the North Pacific gyre, also known as the North Pacific Subtropical High, which spans the western US to Japan, and Hawaii to California. This enormous rotating vortex has collected floating garbage from across the Pacific, but much of the debri...
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Posted by on in Ocean/Seas/Coastlines
Earth now has five or six major ocean garbage patches, and new research suggests they'll continue growing for 'at least the next thousand years.' After a yacht captain stumbled across the Great Pacific Garbage Patch in the late 1990s, scientists soon began finding similar patches of plast...
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Posted by on in Sustainable Development
There will never be a shortage of garbage (unless you live in Norway), though British Airways could start putting that trash to good use. The air carrier has put in an order for $500 million of Solena Fuel’s recycled garbage jet fuel…and this is more about dollars and cents than greenwashing. ...
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Posted by on in Ocean/Seas/Coastlines
A wrinkle in the search for Malaysia Airlines flight 370 has been the mistaking of garbage on the surface of the ocean for possible airplane debris. The spotting of garbage should come as no surprise. It covers a large segment of the world's oceans. Captain Charles Moore has been studying the prob...
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Posted by on in Green Design
What if we could turn food into minerals?  Could it be enough to stop mining?  Colorado School of the Mines thinks they may have found that solution!  Check it out! By Bruce Finley The Denver Post Colorado School of Mines engineers have found an alternative to digging into mountain...
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Posted by on in Earth Violators
When did everything become Plastic? When I was a kid, we collected shells on the beach, not plastic trash. There wasn't enough disposable plastic in those days for plastics to collect on the beaches. Plastic bags came into heavy use in American grocery stores when I was in high school in the late '...
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Posted by on in Recycling
When I was a kid, you could come to New York City and buy a big soda in a large styrofoam cup. (You could also get murdered a lot more easily or score some drugs or afford a place in Soho, but that’s not my point here.) Big soda kept cool in a nice big cup — paradise, in its way. Reuters / Eduard...
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg
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Posted by on in Ocean/Seas/Coastlines
When that plastic water bottle that you brought to basketball practice was empty, you probably recycled it. But lots of plastics don’t end up in the recycling bin. (Think deli containers and straws.) So where do they go? One place is the Pacific Ocean, in an area that has been called the Great Paci...
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Posted by on in Sustainable Development
  The amount of litter around the community raised concerns for Stacey Jambura's Lowell Elementary School students. But its potential impacts on the environment --- including the world's oceans --- is what spurred them to action. Jambura's 13 third- through fifth-grade expanded learning prog...
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Posted by on in Recycling
by Daniel Goleman On a visit to India a while back I came upon a fenced empty field that was practically buried in flimsy white throwaway plastic bags, the kind you carry your purchases home in from the store. The locals joked that this was “the garden where plastic bags grew.” But when I return...
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Posted by on in General Environment
Earth Day isn't good for my health. I've got to stop observing it. Actually, I don't. Normally. Observe it. Or rather I prefer to think of every day as Earth Day. It probably has something to do with when I came of age—the late '60s, early '70s. It hit me over the head (my recollection is that the m...
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Posted by on in Earth Violators
Wisconsin, USA -- Europe burns heaps of garbage, getting lots of electricity and some heat. The United States does not. Proponents say incineration shrinks the waste and produces heat and electricity while reducing the need for landfills and the diesel-drinking trucks tasked with taking trash to o...
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Posted by on in General Environment
By INYOUNG KANG STUDENTS’ new green cause: promoting that most quotidian of beverages — tap water. According to the Earth Policy Institute, 86 percent of plastic water bottles in the United States end up as garbage. Not to mention the $2 students shell out for a bottle. Beginning this fall, Seattl...
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Tagged in: garbage
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Posted by on in Food
DIVE! Living Off America's Waste   Every year in America we throw away 96 billion pounds of food.   That's 263 million pounds a day.  11 million pounds an hour.  3,000 pounds a second. Inspired by a curiosity about our country’s careless habit of sending&...
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Tagged in: garbage
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Posted by on in Clean Water
“Where does most of the garbage in our streets actually end up?” This is a question most people ask but never really get an answer too. Today the answer will be revealed. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is the center of our garbage, made up of nothing but floating garbage and debris (Moore, C. 2003)...
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Tagged in: garbage
Hits: 3155 0 Comments

Posted by on in General Environment
Celebrate No Trash Week by not making any! Get some friends together, advertise to your email address book, announce it on your blog, post flyers (previously used paper, of course) at your work and school! Tell everyone it's happening, then participate! How do you participate? Strive to make no tra...
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