You've seen the statistics: Today, for the first time in human history, more people live in cities than don't. According to the United Nations, by mid-century two thirds of the global population -- an additional 2.5 billion -- are expected to dwell in urban areas. The future is cities.
Given t...
Earlier this week, during a disappointing Tesla earnings call, Elon Musk mentioned in passing that he’d be producing a stationary battery for powering the home in the next few months. It sounded like a throwaway side project from someone who’s never seen a side project he doesn’t like. But...
The controversial Keystone XL pipeline project to expand an oil pipeline running from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico has failed the approval of Congress, after the Senate voted against the project Tuesday. The House passed its version of the bill Friday.
An early tally showed 35 for and 30 against th...
Southern Californians' cancer risk from air pollution has dropped 65% since 2005 but is still too high in many areas, regional air quality regulators said in a report released Thursday.
They attribute much of the improvement to tough state and local regulations, incentive programs and cleaner fuels...
The assault on South Africa’s rhinos has become so catastrophic that a large-scale emergency program is underway to evacuate a minimum of 500 of the endangered animals to safe havens. The move forms part of what the authorities call an “integrated strategy” to head off poachers that are slaying the ...
The state of Alaska announced Monday it will sue the federal government to open a road through a national wildlife refuge so that residents of a village will have improved access for emergency flights at an all-weather airport.
Interior Secretary Sally Jewell in December rejected a proposed land sw...
As IPCC report warns of climate impact on food security, researchers are looking at whether talking about food could break political deadlock on global warming.
Reframing climate change as a food issue as the world's leading scientists did this week could provide an opportunity to mobilise people, ...
Air pollution kills about 7 million people worldwide every year, with more than half of the fatalities due to fumes from indoor stoves, according to a new report from the World Health Organization published Tuesday.
The agency said air pollution is the cause of about one in eight deaths and has now...
Drones to scout over skies of Beijing and other cities to check for smog sources and spot environmental breaches
China is using drones to spy on polluting industries in its attempts to battle the lung-choking smog that frequently engulfs many of its cities.
The deputy minister of environmental pro...
Last spring, we explored the fascinating work of Ecovative Design, an upstate New York company that was expanding from using fungi as the basis for greener-than-plastics shipping materials into the building insulation realm.
That’s right, insulation made from mushrooms.
At the time, the company wa...
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Sunday called climate change perhaps the world's "most fearsome" destructive weapon and mocked those who deny its existence or question its causes, comparing them to people who insist the Earth is flat.
see video here
In a speech to Indonesian students, civic ...
Increasing carbon dioxide in the world's oceans could hamper fishes' eyesight, slowing their reaction times and leaving them vulnerable to predators or unable to hunt, new research has shown.
Experts say it adds to the existing evidence that ocean acidification will be bad for marine...
The steps are part of a broad effort announced Tuesday by the White House to stem a global boom in wildlife trafficking that threatens species such as the African elephant and the rhinoceros with extinction.
"Record high demand for wildlife products, coupled with inadequate preventative m...
The recent spritz of rain notwithstanding, California is in the midst of what Gov. Jerry Brown called “perhaps the worst drought [the state] has ever seen.” And yet, despite the desperate state of affairs, every day the city of Los Angeles flushes hundreds of millions of gallons of potenti...
While the earth is blessed with 11 quintillion gallons of fresh water, waste and inefficient distribution systems have turned this theoretically inexhaustible resource into a key commodity for long-term investors, nations and non- government groups to fight over.
The investment opportunity is vast,...
One hundred and ninety-six perfectly polished solar panels line the roof of the Oakland, Calif., Youth Employment Partnership, a nonprofit job-training program for at-risk youth. The system is projected to save YEP close to $25,000 in electricity costs over 10 years. And it happe...
A firm in Japan is planning to build a solar power plant on the moon. Called the LUNA RING, the project will harness sun's power and beam it to the earth.
The Shimizu Corporation, the firm planning this incredible feat, plans to place solar cells near the moon's equator. The belt of cells will be a...
Here is some ways you can help the elephant
6 ways to help elephants
With the elephant poaching epidemic in Africa running rampant — and renewed ivory lust growing worldwide — experts fear the survival of the species is at stake.
Melissa Breyer
Wed, Sep 05 2012 at 1:35...
Does your solar car have a license plate?
Stella, a solar-powered family car designed by students from the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) in has won the World Solar Challenge 2013, ushering in a new era of efficient, practical cruisers that get all of their juice f...